Arshdeep Kaur

Once Upon a Crime Ending Explained: Who is the Murderer?

Once Upon a Crime follows Red Riding Hood who's forced to wear the shoes of a detective probing the Royal Hairdresser's mysterious demise. Once Upon a Crime, a Japanese Netflix Original directed by Yuichi Fakuda, is an adaptation of Aoiro Aoyagi's intriguing novel, "Akazukin Encounters a Corpse on the Journey." The thriller stars Kanna Hashimoto, Yuko Araki, Takanori Iwata, and Tsuyoshi Murio, among others. Within...

Friday Night Plan Review: A Coming-of-Age Film Wrapped in Brotherhood

Friday Night Plan is a heartwarming comedy that skilfully portrays the essence of growing up, the bonds of brotherhood, and the dynamics of family....

‘Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead’ (2023) Ending Explained: Do Tendo, Kencho, and Shizuka Become Zombie Fodder?

The ending of this Japanese zombie comedy proves that even zombie outbreaks have a silver lining! Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead is a...

Happiness For Beginners (2023) Ending Explained: Will Helen Find Happiness?

Happiness For Beginners follows newly divorced Helen Carpenter who takes a leap into the unknown by enrolling in a survivalist course that guarantees the...