Once Upon a Crime follows Red Riding Hood who's forced to wear the shoes of a detective probing the Royal Hairdresser's mysterious demise.
Once Upon...
El Conde follows Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, a 250-year-old vampire, waiting eagerly to embrace death but failing to achieve it despite his wishes.
Lady Chatterley’s Lover follows Constance Reid who is unhappy in her marriage with Clifford Chatterley and begins an affair with Oliver, the gamekeeper at...
Troll follows the adventurous journey of the paleontologist Nora who attempts to stop a deadly ancient troll that has finally awakened from its deep...
1899 explores the electrifying voyage of migrants on a steamship, Kerberos, that takes a detour mysteriously to rescue Prometheus, a ship that went missing...
The Wonder follows the journey of Lib Wright, an English nurse, who undertakes the responsibility of medically observing Anna O'Donnel, who has miraculously survived...