Mismatched Season 2 Ending Explained: Are Rishi And Dimple Indeed “Mismatched”?

Mismatched season 2 follows Rishi and Dimple as they part ways to find love elsewhere, only to realize that separation is not an easy pill to chew.

Mismatched Season 2 returns with the fan-favorite cast of Rohit Saraf, Prajakta Kohli, Ranvijay Singha, Harsh Agarwal, and Taaruk Raina, among others.

Mismatched Season 2 picks up from Rishi and Dimple’s breakup as they move on and find other partners. And even though love interests change, the complexities of relationships remain. It is up to Rishi and Dimple to maneuver their way through the obstacles to find their “perfect match”.

Mismatched Season 2 Story Summary

Everything started to go downhill from the night of the ‘League of Legends’ championship. A crushed Dimple seeks solace in the arms of Harsh after her breakup with Rishi. Getting carried away in the moment, Dimple kisses Harsh, and Harsh obliges.

The next morning, Dimple and Rishi are still dealing with the previous night’s consequences. While Dimple hesitantly confronts Harsh about the kiss, Rishi attempts to sort things out with Namrata. Both Dimple and Harsh decide to put the previous night behind them and never speak of it again. This is until they realize that the “bahubullies” caught them making out.

Meanwhile, at Rishi’s house, his grandmother’s birthday party is disturbed when his mother informs him of her decision to marry again. Namrata, who is also present at the party is still not talking to Rishi because he betrayed her trust. But being close family friends, he is one day called to Namrata’s house at her father’s request.

Namrata’s father found a drawing of two female cartoons, who resemble Namrata and her crush Celina kissing. Angry at this discovery, he is suspicious of his daughter’s sexuality and calls Rishi to provide him with answers. Rishi lies to him, assuring him that Namrata is not a lesbian as she is actually in love with him. Although this lie may keep Namrata’s father at peace, for now, they understand the need to come up with another solution.

Back at college, Momo reminds Anmol of the bet he made with Dimple, and how having lost the championship, he was accountable to hold onto his promise. Angry at Momo’s nerve to even ask such a thing, he punches Momo in the face and knocks out one of his teeth. To avoid getting expelled, Anmol is given the alternative of getting counseling.

Meanwhile, Krish and Simran too, are having some trouble in paradise as Simran still hasn’t consented to have a physical relationship with him. To deal with this, Krish joins a dating app to fulfill his needs elsewhere.

Simultaneously, both Dimple and Rishi begin to find love in Harsh and Sanskriti respectively. The team partners Harsh and Dimple now have to start working on another app considering ‘Anti-Sosh’ was stolen from them. They roam around the streets of Jaipur and come up with the idea of an app that unites local musicians. Meanwhile, Sanskriti aka Sunny is helping out with the photography at Rishi’s mother’s wedding.

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After days of hiding at home, Namrata and Rishi both return to campus, after being humiliated the night of the ‘League of Legends’ championship. Rishi continues to avoid Dimple, and Namrata too ignores Celina, who just a few days ago outed her in front of the entire college.

A new love interest called Ayesha emerges in Namrata’s life. An ex-student of professor Sid, Ayesha is called upon to help the students with their apps. Jealousy fills the room as Celina becomes uncomfortable with Namrata and Ayesha’s growing proximity. Celina even begins to question her sexuality after feeling insecure about Namrata. Similarly, Dimple’s proximity to Harsh seems to make Rishi envious. Rishi and Sunny thus, pretend to be lovers to get back at Dimple.

Meanwhile, Dimple and Harsh are on a mission to find out who leaked their app. It is then shown that it was Celina, who was forced by Krish and Simran. Krish and Simran blackmailed Celina that they would tell everyone about her job as a delivery girl.

Then comes the much-awaited day of the TechFest. The students travel to Ajmer to participate in various technology-related pursuits and find investors for their apps. The TechFest brings all the couples together and the love between Dimple-Harsh, Rishi-Sunny, Siddharth-Zeenat, and Namrata-Aisha further blossoms. However, growing animosity between Dimple and Rishi leads to a dance-off in which Dimple gets jealous seeing Sunny kiss Rishi. Later that evening, both Dimple and Harsh too realize their feelings toward one another and seal the starting of their relationship with a kiss.

Dimple’s idol Nadini Nahata is also present at the TechFest. She goes on to present her future endeavor – ‘Nandini Nahata Institute of Technology’, an institute comprising solely of selected, gifted students who are worthy enough to work under her. Elated at this opportunity, Dimple starts working hard in hopes of getting selected.

Back on campus, Rishi and Dimple start to set aside their differences and become friends again slowly. A night under the stars makes them realize how similar they are, and thus, they forgive each other. But it is still quite clear to those around them that they still hold the same love for each other, despite being in different relationships.

Mismatched Season 2 on Netflix
Image Credit: Netflix

Mismatched Season 2 Ending Explained

Harsh and Dimple continue to have a fun time on campus, developing their app and spending quality time together. But this bubble is broken as Harsh gets accepted into Berkley School of Music. But because of their happy relationship, Harsh is in two minds about leaving Dimple behind.

The day of Rishi’s mother’s wedding comes. Dimple and Harsh both are invited. Coincidentally, Dimple’s parents know the groom and thus, are a part of the festivities too. While the bride and groom make their vows, Dimple’s father recalls coming to the same venue for a wedding in the past.

This makes Dimple reminisce as she recalls meeting a young Rishi in the same place a few years ago. She tells Rishi about this realization and deeming it to be fate, they admit their love for each other, decide to end things with their respective partners and get back together. Upon confrontation, a heartbroken Harsh leaves for Berkley, and a devastated Sunny returns home.

Just when everything was going well, and Rishi and Dimple were finally back together, Dimple comes to know that it was her best friend Celina who leaked her app and sold it to Krish and Simran for money. Feeling betrayed by her only true friend, Dimple cuts off all ties with Celina and even throws her out of her dorm room.

Meanwhile, back at Namrata’s house, things aren’t going so well. Catching Rishi and Dimple together at the wedding, Namrata’s father catches her lying about being in love with Rishi. He is now completely aware of Namrata’s sexuality and grounds her in her room. Seeing how miserable she is, Namrata’s mother advises her to leave home as her father would never accept her sexuality. She then plans to run off to Delhi, where Ayesha is waiting for her.

The only person Namrata trusts is Celina. Celina drops her off on the bus and confides in Namrata about her true feelings toward her. She tells Namrata that she is still unsure of her sexuality, however, is completely sure of the love she has for her. Namrata, proud of Celina for finally expressing her true self, tells her that Celina still has a long way to go in fully accepting herself, and only when she’s successful in doing so will Namrata ever return the love.

Back on campus, Nandini Nahatta makes a surprise visit to the college to select candidates for her institute. Dimple and Rishi are meanwhile on a date on a hot-air balloon and remain completely unaware of this unexpected visit. Celina makes numerous attempts at reaching them, and when she finally does, Dimple and Rishi make haste to reach the college on time for the interviews.

Disappointed at the late entries, she catches Dimple and Rishi lying about the reason for their tardiness and conveys her disapproval. A dejected Dimple blames Rishi for her distracted mind and the two fight and eventually break up over their different priorities in life.

What’s In The Cards For Dimple And Rishi?

The course finally comes to an end, and the batch decides to throw a farewell party. During the farewell party, Nandini Nahatta decides to announce the chosen candidates. Professor Siddharth, on seeing Dimple and Rishi broken up again, cautions Dimple to not sacrifice her love for her career.

On the other hand, Namrata counsels Rishi to love Dimple despite her imperfections. Dimple and Rishi finally take the advice of their friends and realize that love conquers all. Dimple promises to never let her ambition come between them and they embrace each other, with no intention of letting go.

Interrupting the party, Nandini Nahatta gets up on stage to announce the five lucky students who would get to work under her guidance. The announcement of the list of selected candidates leaves everyone in shock as Rishi is selected while Dimple is not.

Although Dimple shows excitement towards Rishi’s selection, Rishi feels guilty and doesn’t want to leave Dimple behind, but Dimple nudges him to go.

In the end, they both fear for their relationship with each other as Dimple will have to look for something else while Rishi is accepted into one of the best institutes in the country.

Mismatched Season 2 is now streaming on Netflix.

Rohit Saraf in Season 2 of Mismatched on Netflix
Image Credit: Netflix

Read More: Mismatched Season 1 Ending Explained: Are Dimple And Rishi Meant To Be?

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