Sanniya Sehant

Once Upon a Crime Ending Explained: Who is the Murderer?

Once Upon a Crime follows Red Riding Hood who's forced to wear the shoes of a detective probing the Royal Hairdresser's mysterious demise. Once Upon a Crime, a Japanese Netflix Original directed by Yuichi Fakuda, is an adaptation of Aoiro Aoyagi's intriguing novel, "Akazukin Encounters a Corpse on the Journey." The thriller stars Kanna Hashimoto, Yuko Araki, Takanori Iwata, and Tsuyoshi Murio, among others. Within...

School Of Lies Ending Explained: Why Did Shakti Disappear?

School of Lies follows the events that transpire in a well-known boarding school after the disappearance of the 12-year-old Shakti as an intricate web...

You Do You Ending Explained: Do Merve And Anil End Up Together?

You Do You, originally titled Merve Kült, follows Merve Kult, a young aspiring fashion designer, who ends up pursuing a romance with her boss...

The Days Ending Explained: What Happened At Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant?

The Days follows the efforts of Masao Yoshida and his team as they fight for survival in the aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear disaster....

Kathal Ending Explained: Who stole the missing kathals?

Kathal is a Hindi-language comedy movie featuring Sanya Malhotra as a police officer assigned to investigate the mysterious disappearance of jackfruits aka Kathals from...