Once Upon a Crime follows Red Riding Hood who's forced to wear the shoes of a detective probing the Royal Hairdresser's mysterious demise.
Once Upon...
El Conde follows Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, a 250-year-old vampire, waiting eagerly to embrace death but failing to achieve it despite his wishes.
Bloody Daddy follows the story of Sumair, an officer in the narcotics department, as he uncovers a drug-dealing nexus involving a corrupt official.
Directed by...
School of Lies follows the events that transpire in a well-known boarding school after the disappearance of the 12-year-old Shakti as an intricate web...
The Wonder Weeks is a Dutch-language movie that follows the story of three couples as they struggle to strike a balance between their relationships,...
Kathal is a Hindi-language comedy movie featuring Sanya Malhotra as a police officer assigned to investigate the mysterious disappearance of jackfruits aka Kathals from...