Tag: Disney+

Once Upon a Crime Ending Explained: Who is the Murderer?

Once Upon a Crime follows Red Riding Hood who's forced to wear the shoes of a detective probing the Royal Hairdresser's mysterious demise. Once Upon a Crime, a Japanese Netflix Original directed by Yuichi Fakuda, is an adaptation of Aoiro Aoyagi's intriguing novel, "Akazukin Encounters a Corpse on the Journey." The thriller stars Kanna Hashimoto, Yuko Araki, Takanori Iwata, and Tsuyoshi Murio, among others. Within...

El Conde Ending Explained: Does Augusto Pinochet Die?

El Conde follows Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, a 250-year-old vampire, waiting eagerly to embrace death but failing to achieve it despite his wishes. The Netflix Chilean film El Conde plays with multiple themes by presenting a real-life historical figure in the gothic setting of a vampire fantasy drama. Directed by Pablo Larraín, the satire presents Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet (Jaime Vadell) as a desperate...

The Last Of Us Episode 1 Ending Explained & Recap: Is [Spoiler] really infected?

The Last of Us Episode 1 follows Joel and Tess as they embark on a dangerous mission to transport a mysterious girl named Ellie....

The Guardians Of The Galaxy Holiday Special Ending Explained: What Does Mantis Gift Peter For Christmas?

The Guardians Of The Galaxy Holiday Special explores the hilarious journey of Mantis and Drax who travel to Earth to give Peter, their Star-Lord,...

Disenchanted Ending Explained: Does Giselle Find Her Fairy Tale?

Disenchanted follows the life of Giselle, who fifteen years after she found her true love, Robert, decides to resort to the magic of Andalasia...

She-Hulk Episode 6 Recap & Review: Jen and Titania’s feud breaks out

Episode 6 of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law finds Jen facing a vengeful Titania at her friend Lulu's wedding as the two take their ongoing feud outside...

She-Hulk Episode 5 Recap & Review: Jen confronts superhuman influencer Titania

Episode 5 of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law follows Jen battling Titania in court for copyright infringement after Titania steals the "She-Hulk" brand to open...

She-Hulk Episode 3 and 4 Recap & Review: Jen battles high-profile superhuman cases

Episodes 3 and 4 of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law follow Jen Walter's high-profile cases in the Superhuman Law Division of GLK&H as she deals with Emil...

She-Hulk Episode 2 Recap & Review: Jen’s induction to superhuman law

Episode 2 of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law follows the recently fired Jen Walters as she struggles with the ramifications of taking a new job with a rival...

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law Episode 1 Recap & Review: Unique addition to Marvel roster

Episode 1 of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law follows attorney Jennifer “Jen” Walters as an accident with her cousin Bruce Banner transforms her into She-Hulk.  She-Hulk...